So, I've always thought that blogs are kind of cheesy, but here I am, making a blog... I figure it's the best way to keep everyone updated on what's going on in my life without clogging up your inboxes... now you can stalk me as often or as little as you like.
I've had a fabulous summer at Camp DeSoto, and am now home and making preparations to leave for Europe on August 19th!!! As most of you know, I'll be spending the semester studying in Granada, Spain. Granada is in the southern part of Spain in the Andalucia region (click on the map to make it bigger), and is known for it's main tourist attraction, La Alhambra, which is a big palace that overlooks the city. I am going through a study abroad program called IES, which has centers all over Europe mostly. I'll be taking classes at the IES center from their professors with other IES students and living with a homestay family.
BUT before I do that, I'm spending every penny I earned this summer to travel in two of the countries I have always wanted to see--Greece and Italy!! I'll leave on August 19th to spend a (what will surely be heavenly) week in Santorini, Greece with 5 friends from school, and then I'll fly to Italy and hop around to different friends in Rome, Florence, and Venice before heading to Spain at the beginning of September.
I am so excited about this semester and everything that I am going to experience!! I absolutely love traveling because I love learning about and experiencing other cultures and their people, and I hope to do a lot of that this semester. Plus, I just love a good adventure... who knows what will happen? So bookmark this page, or just go ahead and make it your homepage, because I know you'll all be sitting at your computers hitting "refresh" just waiting for me to update again...
That's all for now... I'll make sure to let you know if anything exciting happens in my life (that's what you do on a blog, right?)
Yay! You have a blog! I can't wait to keep up with you!!!
eli has a blog! i can't wait to hear all your tales. you owe me some good ones.
Hey Elisabeth! This will be so great! Thanks for doing this so that all the fam can keep up with you!
I love you!
yay, little Eli!!! Cant wait to hear about how you fit right in in Europe....no laundry bag dances, k?
love you
Woohoo! I am really looking forward to stalking you this semester..... haha, just kidding, but really! I miss you already and you are going to LOVE Granada :)
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