
If you are interested in supporting my ministry with Missionary Ventures in Matagalpa, I am honored and blessed.  There are several ways that your can make a tax-deductible donation:

1. You may write a check made out to Missionary Ventures, with a note saying “Field Coordinator Ministry – Preference for Elisabeth Elliott”, and mail it to:
Missionary Ventures International
P.O. Box 593550
Orlando, FL 32859-3550

2. You may make an online donation using a credit card by clicking here.  You will find a secure online donation form.  Choose the amount you want to donate and in the section for Select “Field Coordinator Ministry – Preference for” write my name, Elisabeth Elliott.  There are options for one-time, monthly, quarterly, and annual donations.

3. You may sign up for monthly, automatic ACH or Credit Card donations by filling out the form found here.  In the “Missionary Support” section, fill in the amount you want to donate and write my name, Elisabeth Elliott.  This option allows you to avoid the credit card fees charged for online donations.

“Notwithstanding any other statements in this communication, please remember that any contributions to MV are under MV’s full discretion and control as required by the IRS regulations.”

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